Best Abdominal Exercise To See Faster Results From Kettlebell Workouts Video Revealed By StrongFirst Master Kettlebell Instructor Geoff Neupert
“The fitness industry thrives on controversy and breeds confusion and nothing proves that point than the state of modern abdominal, or core training,” states Geoff Neupert, StrongFirst Master Kettlebell Instructor. “Just take a look at what we’ve done for abdominal or core training over the last 20 years. We’ve gone from crunches, to standing 'functional' abdominal work, like medicine ball training, to ‘anti-flexion/anti-rotation’ exercises only to arrive back again at some top trainers once again recommending crunch variations. No wonder the general public is confused!”
Geoff, a 20-year veteran of the fitness industry, author, and presenter, has taught thousands of others since 2002 how to successfully use kettlebells to accomplish all of their fitness goals, and at 40 years old, has successfully rehabilitated his own lower back and two hip injuries through his specialized core training and core training philosophies, as well as helped countless others.
Geoff says that although kettlebells are almost a “one-stop-shop” for extreme fitness, kettlebell users do need to include some direct abdominal, or core training in their kettlebell routines.
The best abdominal exercise to get started with is the “Dead Bug,” an exercise lying on the back with the arms and legs in the air, alternately lowering and raising opposite arms and legs in the air. The Dead Bug strengthens the deep abdominal muscles that protect the spine. The stronger a person can make these muscles, the stronger their entire body will become. That means that the kettlebell exercises will become easier and a person will be able to do more work, therefore getting faster results from the kettlebell training.
More bleeding-edge information about kettlebells, including kettlebell workouts, specialized kettlebell training, and how to properly perform the kettlebell exercises, can be found at Geoff’s website, along with a free kettlebell workout here